Sunday, October 10, 2010

Read Proud Zionists Piece

Terrorism Ignored

Just a Music Video Somebody Reminded Me Of

Here is the Jewish song Unity: (Freely posted on Youtube)

I don't really know about the Rubashkin case. (Seems things aren't so clear cut about it) but just compare this to these Muslim/Arab videos. (I'll post the links. I'm not interested on having their trash on my site at this moment.)
(Ironically the youtube song is beautiful at the same time that it is disgusting)

Friday, October 8, 2010

Israeli Practices Self Defense and is Released From Jail on Bail

Article from
A leader of Jewish settlers in the Palestinian village of Silwan ran over two Arab teens who were throwing stones at his car, Al-Jazeera reported Friday. 
The station broadcast a video clip showing David Be'eri, who heads Elad, an organization promoting Jewish settlement in east Jerusalem, running over the two youths, who had to be hospitalized.   
Be'eri was taken in for questioning by police and released on bail. Officers say the investigation against him will continue.
"David left his home together with his son and began driving when suddenly he was attacked by dozens of masked men who began to throw stones from every direction," his associates said in comments to the press.
"He tried to escape, first by driving in reverse, but the vehicle behind him blocked his path. It must be understood that he an ambush was prepared for him, which included cameras brought to the scene ahead of time."
Although  I could not embed the video on Ynet, I got a better one from Vicious babushka.

Story is simple: Man (Jew) is driving and gets ambushed by stonethrowers just wanting to have fun. Man practices self-defense(in this case flight as opposed to fight) by passing through them but the ST's were in the way, so they got run over. You can actually see the part where he tries to go around them right in the beginning. Man is then prosecuted by the police.
Also, does the boy look like he needed hospitalization? 

I actually traced this story back to the Arabic version of Al-Jazeera. 
Check out this comment!

Woe to Abbas
Islamic State of United Arab
The solution is simple: the greater jihad

You know, I think Hitler also had a solution. It sounded quite similar.

Also worthy of note:
Biased News Articles in Mainstream Media
Related articles
The sun's article tries to make it seem like it was a retaliation for the killing of "Hamas Militants". These "militants" resisted arrest and were (get this!) suspected of the murder of four people, including a pregnant woman and her husband who left behind six orphans!
Update: Ynet has another article about this.
"I had just left the Friday prayers at the neighborhood's protest tent when I saw a car speeding towards me," remembers Amran Mansur, 11, who was ran over by David Be'eri, chairman of the Elad Association promoting Jewish settlement in east Jerusalem.
Amran was released from the Hadassah Ein Kerem Hospital in Jerusalem early on Saturday. "I couldn’t run away in time, I didn't even have time to signal him with my hands," he says. "It was clear he did it on purpose. I was on the sidewalk, so there's no chance it wasn't deliberate."
I think that we can see much from this child. How lying is so ingrained in their society that this boy considers himself to be trusted, against the video footage. How the whole Arab society lives to make "Palywood videos". Take it from an 11 year old boy.
Oh. And they are thinking about pressing charges. (See whole article)

(Just another interesting comment showing how twisted the minds of the Arab supporters are. Here is a comment on Ynet's article. 
It is truly amazing to see so many Ynuts try and justify a Hit and Run incident!  
 A hit and run incident???!!!)

Also Read EoZ's take.

Update 2:
Rocks continue being thrown and a short interview with David Be'eri at the end.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Arab Coal Mines Pollute the Air, Suffocating Nearby Israelis

ArutzSheva Reports:
An abundance of Arab coal mines near the Dotan Valley in the north-western part of Samaria has caused problems for Jewish residents in the area and even for IDF soldiers operating nearby.
Shomron Regional Council Mayor Gershon Mesika told Arutz 7 earlier this week that the coal mines have caused the IDF to consider shutting down its bases in the area and to order soldiers to wear gas masks during certain hours of the day, all due to the heavy smoke and pollution being emitted from the coal mines. 
Say what? Why Haven't they been shut down yet? Israel definitely knew about this, and these Arabs, besides for  not being considerate to the environment and the health of the workers (nevermind the Israelis) are depleting the natural resources of Israel!!!

  “The Dotan Valley has become the land of the coal mines,” said Mesika. “Every meter they open another mine that operates and emits smoke 24 hours a day. It creates smoke and toxic materials instead of the green that could be here. It’s unbearable. At some hours of the day, the wind causes the smoke to drift towards communities such as Mevo Dotan, and during that time it’s impossible to stay there.”
Mesika emphasized that these illegal mines are located in the C Area which is under full Israeli control. “If a Jew would do such a thing, he would be shut down immediately. But here they are celebrating and no one here says anything about it.”
He said that this phenomenon is a direct result of the Oslo Accords, which divided the area into three sections (A, B, and C) and allowed the Arab residents of Jenin to move the coal mines into the C Area in order to make it easier for them to sell their coal products to people who reside outside of Judea and Samaria.
“We contacted the Chief of Staff, the Minister of Defense and the Minister of the Environment,” said Mesika. “After two years we received information that they are going to shut down several mines. Unfortunately not all of them.”

Monday, October 4, 2010

Todays Links

Due to my schedule, writing actual articles will be hard for a while. So I will make a list of daily links that I enjoyed for your reading pleasure.

CAIR in Court for Fraud
Washington Post Denial of Israel as a Jewish State

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Elder of Ziyon Tells Us the Main Reasons Why the Peace Talks are Doomed

This isn't so important, we all knew them, but he actually wrote them. Read it all.

Muslims Are Furious at Publication of Book on Mohammed Cartoons

 Police in several cities around the world are on high alert as Muslim rage over Mohammed cartoons returns—this time over “The Tyranny of Silence,” a new book by the editor who published the cartoons that sparked the crisis five years ago.
Read it all at...