Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Fake Arab Graves Also Near Eastern Wall - Inside Israel - Israel News - Israel National News

Fake Arab Graves Also Near Eastern Wall - Inside Israel - Israel News - Israel National News

Maya Shukri of the El Har HaMoriyah Institute, who documented the fake graves with her camera, told Arutz7on Wednesday that at the present time, the graves are empty but an infrastructure is in place for future burials. Shukri, who compared older photographs to photographs taken recently, said that “there are markings [of graves] there, but underneath there is only soil. Some of them don’t have a tombstone.”
About a year ago, Israel’s High Court responded to an appeal which was brought forth and ruled that no burial will take place on these grounds, and in fact, ruled that the area will be transformed to a national park, meaning that the place will be cleaned up, benches will be placed, and proper lighting installed.
Shukri said, however, described a reality that is far from what was ruled by the Court. “A year passed and nothing has been done,” she said. “The police promised to provide any required assistance to turn the place into a national park, but what is happening today is that the police are preventing Jews from passing through the place.”
All the while, Arabs are continuing to place tombstones and concrete blocks in preparation for future burials on the site.
Shukri also pointed out the historical value of the place. In this area, there used to be a bridge that connected between the Holy Temple and the Mount of Olives. Historically, the High Priest would pass through this bridge on his way to slaughter the red cow. Shukri said that by preventing free access to Jews to the area and by allowing it to be covered by illegal empty graves, the site’s unique Jewish history will never be fully exposed.
 Honestly, I'm getting sick of these reports. The Arabs are overstaying their welcome. Start deporting them and let some of their "brothers" deal with them. Why should Israel need to deal with them? (Especially if the Arabs don't want to) And don't give me any of the nonsense that Israel took their land. There was no real civilization before the Jews came, only Arab nomads and a desert.

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